Friday, November 25, 2022

“We Shall Work With You To Increase Milk Production Through Affordable Credit” Imarisha Sacco Chairman, Mr. Mathew Ruto Assures Farmers

Imarisha Sacco Chairman Mr. Mathew Ruto

Imarisha Sacco chairman has assured farmers that the Sacco will work with them to increase milk production in their farms, as an initiative to turn around their livelihoods.

Speaking during an event dubbed “ Ongeza Lita Moja na Imarisha” at the Kabianga cooperative Society in Kabianga, Kericho county, the chairman called upon the members to take advantage of the available products through savings  since the Sacco  has enable them access credits.

“Agriculture is the backbone of the of the economy of this country. It is a top priority for us in Imarisha Sacco. The Sacco remains a highly reliable vehicle for organizing small scale traders and producers to access affordable credits” Said Mr. Ruto.

The event was attended by the cooperative society members where they were taken through several practices in dairy farming from successful farmers within the region

The chief guest Mr. Daniel Rop, Kericho County CECM for Agricultural, Livestock and Cooperative Management lauded the Sacco’s efforts in innovating products aimed at benefiting farmers. He further called on the cooperative farmers to utilize the products to enable them diversify their agricultural activities and create job opportunities.

Dairy Farming expert educating the members
on the best practices to increase production.

“Farming activities should be diversified, and you can do that by getting the best products from Saccos such as Imarisha Sacco” Said Mr. Rop.

The Sacco seeks to continue innovating other products to benefit its members with major focus on farmers in bid to enhance food security. This is in line with President William Ruto’s main agenda.

Friday, May 13, 2022

Imarisha Sacco Seeks to Partner with Matatu Sacco Industry with an Aim of Allowing Members Own Matatus Through Asset Finance Product

Imarisha Sacco director Rodricks  Chepkwony hands over
car key to a beneficiary at  Keringet Branch

Imarisha Sacco is set to partner with matatu industry in a bid to enable their members own matatus through Asset finance loan product.

The initiative is meant to ease the process of acquiring matatus for all members who wish to join the transport industry.

According to Rodricks Chepkwony who is among the Sacco’s directors, they are already having talks with a number of matatu Saccos who wish to partner with them.

“We are looking to partner with matatu saccos within our region to boost business and enable members to own new vehicles. Through matatu Saccos, their cars can be managed well. We have clients who are joining us soon from Bomet travelers, 2NK Sacco among others,” he said.

Imarisha Sacco staff
pose for a photo in front of a vehicle financed by Imarisha Sacco

Mr Chepkwony went ahead to call on members to visit various Sacco branches to get advised and get more information about this loan product.

“Today we are handing over a car to one of our members. After a series of meetings with her, we made her dream come true by enabling her to own a matatu that she has since registered with Wareng Sacco,” he said. 

While receiving a Nissan bought to her by the Sacco at Keringet branch, the beneficiary Sarah Lelei, could not hide her joy and thanked the Sacco for making her dream of joining matatu transport industry come true.

“I thank the Sacco for purchasing this matatu Nissan for me. I only raised quarter of the total amount of the Nissan and they sorted out the rest. I have been a member and I urge those who are still looking for a financial partner that Imarisha is right here for you,” said Ms Lelei.

The Sacco offers Asset Finance loan to all eligible members. Its repayment period is 48 months and the applicant must raise at least 25 per cent of the total cost of the asset to qualify.

To qualify for this loan product, one must be a member of our Sacco. Join us today and get financed to acquire any asset you might need. Be it a personal car, boda boda, canter lorry, tractor among other assets we got you covered.

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Members Enjoy Fruits of Imarisha Sacco Continuous Innovation of New Products


Joseph Koech(beneficiary) receives a canter lorry financed
 by Imarisha Sacco at Litein Branch.
To hand over is  Director Peter Nyigei

Imarisha Sacco society through Micro credit department has urged its members to take advantage of the available asset finance product.

Speaking during a canter lorry handover event at Litein branch, the Micro credit department manager, Kipkemoi Kelong, expressed the Sacco's commitment in empowering its members with assets such as tractor, canter lorries, pickups among others.

“We urge all our members to save up with an aim of benefiting from this loan product. This is a product that targets both the salaried and non-salaried members,” Mr Kelong said.

According to the manager, the eligibility of a beneficiary is based on a steady cash flow and remittances.

Imarisha Sacco  Director and staff pose for a photo with
 the Asset finance beneficiary 

While encouraging non-members to join the Sacco, Imarisha Sacco director Peter Nyigei disclosed that applicants only need to raise 25 per cent of the total cost of the asset required.

“Today we are handing over a canter lorry to a beneficiary who has been channeling his proceeds through us. The product is very affordable and its repayment period is 48months,” he said.

“We urge all interested members and non-members to join us, open an account and save with us to access this product and much more,” he added.

Joseph Koech the beneficiary from Simoti, in Konoin Subcounty, could not hide his joy after receiving the canter lorry which he says he intends to use in his business operations.

The retired chief disclosed that he has been saving with Imarisha for a very long time.

“I have been saving with Imarisha Sacco ever since I became their member. Recently when I retired as a chief, I decided to look for an alternative source of income and Imarisha was there for me. I am happy today because I am taking home my canter lorry,” he said.

The Sacco has been in continuous innovation of new products such as asset finance which has been transforming the lives of its members

Friday, April 1, 2022

Farmers in Ndanai Become the Biggest Beneficiaries of Imarisha Sacco Asset Finance Loan Product


A farmer in Ndanai receives a tractor courtesy of Imarisha  Sacco under Asset finance . 

A farmer in Ndanai, Bomet county has a reason to smile after receiving a tractor from Imarisha Sacco Society courtesy of asset finance loan product.

While receiving the tractor the beneficiary, Victor Kiplangat, lauded the Sacco for its dedication to assist members from all walks of lives to achieve their financial and investment dreams.

“I am happy today that I have received this tractor that will enable me to carry out my agricultural activities. I will ensure that all proceeds accrued are deposited back to the Sacco to allow me to get another tractor within 2 years,

I sincerely give gratitude for opening doors to members who are non-teachers so that we too can benefit,” he said.


The event that happened at Imarisha Sacco Ndanai branch, saw the attendance of the Sacco directors and staff of Ndanai Branch.

Imarisha Sacco Director pose for a photo with the tractor beneficiary  at Ndanai Branch.

According to Andrew Mutai who is Ndanai branch director, the branch is the highest among all the branches having loaned out 12 tractors in total.


 “We are here today to hand over a tractor to one of our beneficiaries who has chosen us and has been financed by Sacco. This recent tractor handover brings the total number of tractors to 12. We look forward to getting more clients who can benefit from this life changing product,” said director Mutai.


Ndanai Branch Manager, Daniel Kirui, who echoed Mutai’s sentiments encouraged members to visit the branch and apply for this loan product which he insists is life changing.

A beneficiary in his tractor 

“We encourage our members to apply for this loan product. All you need is an active account with steady cash flow and the applicant must be able to raise 25% of the total cost of the asset,” Kirui disclosed.

“The repayment period of this product is 48 months. You can be financed with all the assets including pickups, farm equipment, personal cars among other assets,” he added.


Imarisha Sacco offers Asset finance across all their branches. Talk to us today.