Friday, May 13, 2022

Imarisha Sacco Seeks to Partner with Matatu Sacco Industry with an Aim of Allowing Members Own Matatus Through Asset Finance Product

Imarisha Sacco director Rodricks  Chepkwony hands over
car key to a beneficiary at  Keringet Branch

Imarisha Sacco is set to partner with matatu industry in a bid to enable their members own matatus through Asset finance loan product.

The initiative is meant to ease the process of acquiring matatus for all members who wish to join the transport industry.

According to Rodricks Chepkwony who is among the Sacco’s directors, they are already having talks with a number of matatu Saccos who wish to partner with them.

“We are looking to partner with matatu saccos within our region to boost business and enable members to own new vehicles. Through matatu Saccos, their cars can be managed well. We have clients who are joining us soon from Bomet travelers, 2NK Sacco among others,” he said.

Imarisha Sacco staff
pose for a photo in front of a vehicle financed by Imarisha Sacco

Mr Chepkwony went ahead to call on members to visit various Sacco branches to get advised and get more information about this loan product.

“Today we are handing over a car to one of our members. After a series of meetings with her, we made her dream come true by enabling her to own a matatu that she has since registered with Wareng Sacco,” he said. 

While receiving a Nissan bought to her by the Sacco at Keringet branch, the beneficiary Sarah Lelei, could not hide her joy and thanked the Sacco for making her dream of joining matatu transport industry come true.

“I thank the Sacco for purchasing this matatu Nissan for me. I only raised quarter of the total amount of the Nissan and they sorted out the rest. I have been a member and I urge those who are still looking for a financial partner that Imarisha is right here for you,” said Ms Lelei.

The Sacco offers Asset Finance loan to all eligible members. Its repayment period is 48 months and the applicant must raise at least 25 per cent of the total cost of the asset to qualify.

To qualify for this loan product, one must be a member of our Sacco. Join us today and get financed to acquire any asset you might need. Be it a personal car, boda boda, canter lorry, tractor among other assets we got you covered.