Wednesday, May 15, 2019


Individual contributors to Imarisha Sacco Society Limited can now place a standing order for monthly deduction towards NHIF scheme.

The Sacco Chairman Mathew Ruto says the society has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with NHIF to facilitate the monthly contribution through FOSA.
Imarisha Sacco Chairman Mr,Mathew Ruto
“Besides our support to one of agenda four of universal health care, our objective is to ensure our members meet medical care in line with our customer-focused service delivery “said the Chairman. 

 Ruto who was speaking during member’s education day in Rift Valley Technical Training, Eldoret also disclosed that the society has increased funds payable to cancer patients from Ksh.1.2 million to 1.5 million.

He said the facility has come as a big relief to cancer patients even as he called on members to consider frequent medical check ups to mitigate the devastating impact of the killer disease.

Consolation Kitty
At the same time, Ruto  added that the Sacco  family consolation kitty in case of demise of a member has been increased to  Kshs. 100,000 an amount  meant to cover deceased’s outstanding loan balance write off ,  and  added that the Sacco has also doubled deceased’s deposits  paid to the member beneficiary.
The Chairman revealed that the society loans approvals to members was within time as the Sacco continues to record growth.

Imarisha managed to generate income amounting to kshs.713,044,303.00 in 2018 as compared to Kshs.559,257,856.00 in 2017 representing  27.5% in growth.
Ruto said the Sacco has laid out elaborate transformative initiatives to meet the ever changing customer needs.

Customer being served at  a Sacco branch.
“We recently undertook a customer satisfaction survey, and found out that 86% of the customers polled were satisfied with our products and services and that is why a further 91 % of members were willing to recommend others to the Sacco.’’ Said Ruto. 

He disclosed that the Sacco will expand its catchment areas in order to enroll more members who are willing to join the society whose membership has risen from 65000 in 2017 to 76000 in 2018.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019



Do not let your dream of becoming the next teacher, doctor or professor slip away,  the society offers you school fees loan at a low-interest rate of 1% on reducing balance repayable period not exceeding 6 years.

The Sacco school fees loan product is  available to all, this  is one of the products offered to our members at  very low-interest rates. Our loan products  targets customers with entrepreneurial and investment skills to achieve. 
Faizah graduating. 
One of the beneficiaries  of the  loan is Faizah  Jepkorir , she took the Sacco  school fees loan when she was a 2nd-year  university student and  overcome challenges of paying her college fees.
Today Faizah  have   graduated with Bachelors degree. This is an example of the many members that the  society have made their  academic dream come true.

We ask our members  to  follow Faizah's example and invest in the affordable and rewarding product  on offer. 

The Sacco  support all  our members and  potential customers with the necessary  financial advise on how to   to invest and borrow  to make their lives better.

Become the next academic giant with Imarisha Sacco school fees loan.