Friday, June 29, 2018


The Imarisha children's saving account Parrot is planting seeds and inculcating saving culture among the children so as to realize their  future dreams.The parents/guardian operated account  is meant to build means and make children future a reality.

With an attractive package, the Parrot Savings account  is gaining popularity among members and prospective clients.The account which earns interest on member accounts with a balance of Ksh.5000 and above allows for  withdrawal to a limit of 3 times annually with no ledger fee charge.
The chairman Mr.Mathew Ruto(holding child) during a past education day forum

During a member education forum held at  Awasi Imarisha Sacco  branch,the Sacco Chairman Mr. Mathew Ruto while addressing parents and guardians  said,"the best gift you  can give your child is to open a parrot savings account"

he continued to add, "research show that a child taught to save at early age saves better when he or she is a grown up, this is the goal of the children's parrot account,to entrench the the saving culture for posterity".

The Imarisha Parrot savings account has a minimum opening balance of  ksh.1000. Children aged between  1-18 years can open a parrot account.
Litein branch marketing team explain how the  Parrot account operates
Parents who  have opened and  operated a parrot savings account for their kids have always had a good testimony  on what the account can achieve.

"The most notable benefit of this account  is the ease at which i save for my child's school fees and withdraw during the hard financial times"this is a comment by Mr.Vincent Koech, one of the parents operating  an account on behalf of his child at the  Kericho FOSA branch.

The best advice for  parents with growing kids is to open and operate a Parrot account to ease any unforeseen  financial burden and most importantly to instill  the culture of savings among the children.
Shaping your children’s future is our priority.Invest early,make hay while the sun shines.  



Thursday, June 28, 2018


Mr.Mathew Ruto Chairman board of directors.

"Imarisha Sacco Society Limited places great value on the contribution that members of the Diaspora make on their motherland,we understand the passion and desire to transform and make home a better place for us and generations to come". These were the words of  Imarisha Sacco chairman during the 29th annual delegates meeting held recently.

The chairman added"unfortunately most of these dreams are not achieved or takes too long to be realized,we are the missing link; a reliable partner who can walk this journey which requires trust, vision, and prudent financial management".

Our society is undertaking this major step to bridge the gap and provide an asset financial product for investments and growth for Kenyans in Diaspora.
Assets that imarisha Sacco can finance among other products.

The asset finance for Kenyans in Diaspora product allows you to own land, house, real estate, buildings, motor vehicles, matatus  and agribusiness assets.
Members can identify the assets of interest and the Sacco shall develop suitable products and engagements to realize your goals.

 The assets finance products offers competitive interest rates and a flexible repayment time.
Upon joining, identification of property and acquisition of asset finance, Imarisha Sacco do not stop there; we go an extra mile to manage your assets and add value to your investments.

We develop  your investments to meet the highest standards; all government and development requirements ,processes and procedures which includes the regulatory body NCA, provision of interim certificates of phase completion ,KRA  requirements ,levy stamp duty ,county government approval and where applicable installation of electricity ,fiber connections ,gas and cable TVS.
The Sacco also offers security of investments and guarantee members to get extra financing without additional guarantors
Imarisha Sacco society limited and Kenyans in Diaspora can work together to grow and get good returns on investments through the asset finance for Kenyans in Diaspora.