Friday, December 14, 2018

An idea of starting a business prompted Mr. Leonard Sigei to study the market trends and open a farmers store 9 years ago. At the time he struggled to raise little funds so as to sustain the business and cater for any recurring expenditure.
The urge to expand his business came as he registered a rise in loyal customers and demand for goods. To curb the demand and maintain the supply, there was need for an expansion, a venture that would require more funds as the profits accrued were not enough to fulfill this goal.
Several ideas were in his mind including selling his land to achieve his desired objective of expanding the business.

Facebook communication.

One fine evening as Mr. Sigei was relaxing and reading through Facebook social media page, he came across a post by Imarisha Sacco Society Limited indicating that they offer Business Loans to expand and improve small and medium sized enterprises. Mr. Sigei was enthusiastic about it and made a decision that could later change his life for the better; he knew that this was an opportunity that would make him shine in the Agro-business sector.

The next day, Mr.Sigei decided to visit Imarisha Sacco society limited offices and inquired on business loan. After a consultative meeting with the micro-credit manager, Mr.Sigei was convinced that this is where he needed to be.

Savings account
Imarisha Sacco Litein Branch 
His membership began with him opening a savings account with the Sacco. He immediately started consistent and regular  deposit of business profits in the Sacco account.
After few months later, Mr,Sigei  borrowed a loan, from the Sacco, a decision he made wisely to fulfill his desired dream of expanding his business,he had saved enough for him to get a loan offered at an interest rate of 1% on reducing balance. The loan was immediately approved and disbursed and in no time Wakulima Stores had a new look and outfit.
The development was a big stride for Mr. Sigei a father of three and a teacher by profession; he was able to satisfy customer demand and  has since never regretted. He lauds the efforts made by Imarisha Sacco in making him achieve his financial dreams.
Financial empowerment
Mr. Sigei has since been on top of his finances every year, he has employed staff who he pays them through Imarisha Sacco accounts.
“I have built a better house, paid school fees for my kids,bought land, thanks to Imarisha Sacco. I urge everyone to join the Sacco because it transforms lives, I now want to ventures into livestock farming too because i know Imarisha Sacco is here to enable me realize my dream” said elated Mr. Sigei.
Mr.sigei, thanks the Sacco for moving closer to its customers and for establishing more branches. “I can now access the services here in Litein branch other than travelling  to Kericho.” he added.
Imarisha sacco now has  8 branches in Kericho, Bureti, Nandi Hills, Ndanai, Mulot, Keringet,and Awasi.

Sacco products and services

The Sacco offers micro-credit loan products to SMEs to make them financially secure and to expand their businesses.
Wakulima stores a beneficiary of the micro-credit Sacco products and services is located opposite Litein police station along market road.
The farmer stores is at the forefront in providing farmers with quality farm inputs such as fertilizers, chemicals, farm tools and other materials needed by farmers.
Mr. Sigei believes that all you need is to have a seed before you can sow it in anticipation of good harvest. Saving with Imarisha is a sure path to progress.
Make a date with us and achieve your financial freedom.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018


Groups chairperson Mrs.Agnes Bii receiving water tanks
When Bureti residents came together and decided to form a self-help and development group, they never knew what was in store for them, the idea of starting a business venture was at first a herculean task but the will to labor their way to a formidable financial strength would later earn recognition and support from Imarisha Sacco micro-credit department.
According to the group's  Chairperson Mrs.Agnes Bii , Initially the group started as a chama, a merry go round to raise funds for small family needs through little personal contributions. Soon the group grew and ventured on an horticultural project.
One year later the group horticultural project came under  huge  natural challenges as the dry spell began.
The decision to open a savings account with Imarisha Sacco Litein branch was the groups best decision and turning point. 
 All this time the group labored and it was only when they thought of approaching the Sacco for a loan to finance other new venture.
 Through online call to action messages and out bound marketing campaigns by the Sacco,the members  got information on the water tank loan, a product that would finance individuals and  groups to acquire tanks to store rain water,water drawn from boreholes to secure their farm project.
The group approached  the credit managers who advise them to apply for a water tank loan from Imarisha Sacco. Within no time the Sacco approved their application and a 10,000 liter water tank was delivered to the group members.                .
Imarisha Sacco Micro credit manager Mr. Joseph Kirui present during an event to award group beneficiaries said “The Sacco will continue to finance water tanks to members who apply for this loan,"he  further alluded that the loan would be repaid in a period of  72 months and that currently the loan has been  increased to over kshs.78,000 to cater for rising demand and needs.
Imarisha Sacco society has been in forefront in transforming member’s lives through innovation of new products and services.
Management and staff of Litein Imarisha Sacco branch receiving tanks from a supplier.

One of the beneficiaries Mr. Bernard Koech attested that the group’s horticultural and dairy farming is doing well since it has enough water supply through the season.
”I have no problem with water shortage. I can feed my cows well and still have enough supply of water for  household and construction purposes” added Mr.koech who also doubles as an individual member recipient of water tank loan from the Sacco .
Mr Bernard Koech group secretary acknowledging receipt.
Imarisha Sacco now offers variety of Micro credit loans including Soko loans, Chap Chap loans, Muwa loans, Kilimo advance and Kilimo loans.
Open an account with Imarisha Sacco society limited today and you could be the next   beneficiary of the life transforming water tank loans.

Thursday, July 12, 2018


Over 20,000 people from the public sector in Kenya among them teachers and civil servants  will retire from active employment this year; according to information in the Human Resource Planning and Succession Management Strategy for Public Service, 31 per cent of staff at both national and county level are between 50 and 59 years old.
The number of retirees is expected to triple  nationally as over 40,000 people are also set to retire from the private sector.
Without a good financial plan these retirees are threatened with sudden lack and unforeseen  reduction in social and economic resources needed to enjoy or live a dignified life upon their retirement.

 Member sensitization
The financial future and social wellness of every retiree is dependent on the saving and plans he or she makes at the time of his or her employment.
The Kenyan worker retirement plan is a priority, and for it to succeed, Workers or members of an organization or institution must be empowered to, decide, invest or contribute to a retirement savings plan.
                                    Ms Linda chebet an instructor takes through members who are
                            about to retire from service on the retirement savings plan

Imarisha Sacco is running a Senior citizens Savings Account sensitization programme.
    Members listen to an instructor during a past retirement
sensitization day

Action plan
Chairman supervisory board Mr.Peter Sigei.
While addressing members at a delegates meeting held recently, the supervisory board Chairman Mr. Peter Sigei said,” I congratulate the board for developing this product; this will assist our members upon retirement, I recommend that all members should start contributing to this account upon receiving appointment letters to ensure that they reap their benefits and enjoy their retirement",he added that"a minimum of ksh.500 is deducted through a standing order on monthly basis". This contributions are saved in the individuals senior citizens savings account.
Imarisha Sacco FOSA senior citizen savings account is aimed at giving members the strength to move and rekindle old hobbies or start new ones upon retirement.

By contributing to the Imarisha senior citizens account your money earns an  interest annually and can be accessed upon retirement” Mr.Sigei concluded.
Retirees can now  live a happy, free and active lifestyle upon their retirement,they can start new ventures or improve existing projects such as farming, build rental houses, see your children through school, build or make expensive repairs in your homes and other premises.

You can now  start contributing to this account so as to enjoy your golden years without any hustle.


Tuesday, July 10, 2018


Imarisha Sacco bagged 5 top awards during celebrations to mark 96th international cooperatives day held at Kericho Primary school on Friday. The Sacco was ranked number one in the county under the following categories; Growth in income, Risk management,  growth in loans, innovative products, and expenditure income ratio. 

 The Sacco board of directors’ vice chairman Mr. David Langat who attended the event lauded the Sacco for its good performance and assured members that better results will be achieved this year.
Growth in loans trophy.
The theme of this year’s International Day of Cooperatives (IDC) is Sustainable consumption and production, creating an opportunity for cooperatives to show how they run successful businesses while respecting our natural environment

The slogan of the Day “Sustainable societies through cooperation” was selected by cooperators from around the world. Through the products and services it offers,  it is very encouraging to note that Kenya's cooperative sector has grown in leaps and bounds, recording remarkable achievements in economic growth and improving people's standards of living.
Imarisha Sacco is keen on championing the IDC aims that of increasing awareness on co-operatives and promoting the movement's successes and ideals of international solidarity, economic efficiency, equality, and world peace. 

Growth in membership trophy.
 The Sacco CEO Mr. Mathew Rotich who was present during the event called on the cooperators to strengthen and extend partnerships between the international co-operative movement and other players, including governments, at local, national and international levels. 

Currently the Sacco is running a Diaspora campaign dubbed Imarisha nyumbani,” the strength of Sacco and the cooperative movement is in its members. We are going an extra mile to woo Kenyans living abroad to open an account with us, invest and we shall assist them to manage their property through the asset finance product”. Mr.Rotich concluded.

Imarisha Sacco secured second position in other categories. The categories included; low default rate, growth in membership, coverage and payment of interest on deposit.’
In other categories Imarisha Sacco secured third position, these categories includes; best in Gender balance and loan deposit ratio.

 The International Co-operative Day / International Day of Co-operatives is celebrated on the first Saturday of July every year.